I had a movie date set up with my good mommy friend, Beth, to see Bridesmaids today. My daughter was going to her grandparents for the afternoon and chose a very cute Gymboree shirt to wear. While the shirt is adorable, it's also a pain because the flower on the back always comes out of the dryer looking like a blob. Well, I did not have time to iron it and I usually stay away from the iron in general because I have been known to singe clothes in the past. I was doing my hair and had a stroke of genius: I was using my straightener anyway so I took my daughter's shirt off her and quickly "straightened" the bow and sleeves of her shirt. It didn't produce a perfectly pressed shirt but it got it to look decent.
Before |
I recommend this if you are crunched for time and just need things to look "ok". Use a med/high setting on your straightener, not full blast. I only clamped the straightener on each section of the bow for a second or two and swiped it along the sleeves.
After rushing out the door and dropping my daughter off I met my friend at the movie theater and she came in carrying a BIG box... She got me a gift "just cuz"! When people do sweet things for me I can hardly believe I deserve it, so you can imagine my surprise when I opened the box and she had gotten the tea/coffee mugs I wanted from Pier One (mentioned
We barely have counter space so I may play around with where I place them, but here they stand for now : )
Can't wait to have my nightly dose of Organic Throat Coat tea tonight!
Thanks Beth, you are really too sweet! |
Beth and I also share a nail polish obsession and she let me borrow her new OPI purch from the Pirates of the Caribbean line, "Skull and Glossbones". Someone is getting at home *mani*pedi* tonight : )
All in all it was a fabulous day. Bridesmaids is HI-LARIOUS, BTW.